Saturday, August 16, 2008

What is Spirtuality?

By Ron Flatow © 2000

The world as we know it is changing, a higher consciousness and a greater awareness is occurring; people are starting to wake up from a very long slumber questioning who they are and why they are here on this planet searching for purpose other then themselves. It is a time of great growth emotionally, nutritionally and energetically. It is also a time when our every thought and action or intent will begin to appear before our eyes whether good or bad. It’s about understanding how we create the reality we live in by what we think, do and say, which will then manifest in some way shape or form.
It is a time of letting go of old patterns and fears go.
Spirituality is about living sacredly in your heart, words and mind. It’s about remembering who we really are and why we have chosen to be born in human form; it’s about the lessons we need to learn from the experiences of being human.
It’s about looking through the eyes of a child. It’s about healing-not just the physical pains and traumas that one may have acquired over the course of time, but the spiritual energy body that absorbs toxic fears learned from our childhood.
Spirituality is about recognizing the receipt of confirmations in your life. It’s about intuition or hindsight.
Spirituality is a state of mind and consciousness. It’s about respecting all life forms regardless of their shape or forms. It’s about compassion. It’s about being aware of how everything and nothing exists at the same time.

Synchronicities Indicate Change
Spirituality is also connected to synchronicity; when multiple events or circumstances occur that are related to something you may be trying to achieve or when you may meet someone three to four times during a day. When synchronicities occur it is time to be especially aware and take action, for they are confirmations of change.
Spirituality is also heavily linked to geometry. The shapes within geometry are the same patterns within our DNA and everything that surrounds us, which in return are the same shapes and formulas used to create all the sacred sites existing around the world from the cathedrals to Egypt. These buildings or structures are mirror images of what is inside us. Remember, our perceptions, words, actions, thoughts and intensions shape the world we live in. Everything has a frequency. Frequencies are overtones that affect our cellular vibration, which has to do with the amount of light that vibrates within our cells or DNA structure. The lighter we become-meaning the less physically dense-the faster we vibrate.
In order for us to become lighter, we must raise our vibrational frequency. We do this by changing the way we think, speak, eat and act. Reaching enlightenment is not just a state of mind; rather it is attaining a higher vibration within cellular structure. There are many levels of vibration, and each level brings higher degrees of awareness.

On Casting Blame:
Spirituality is about setting up a set of principles we feel comfortable following which will assist us in your daily, monthly or yearly routines. It’s not about what is written down in the Bible-it’s about what you feel inside. It’s about being empowered within ourselves, moving out of the pattern of fears we are taught. It’s about understanding, knowing or realizing that we are co-creators with the Creator, Christ, God, Hashem, Allah, Buddha or whomever we pray to. It’s about realizing that heaven and hell are only perceptions of what we think and we can create either one with our thoughts.
We have a tendency to immediately cast blame on God: “Oh, why is He doing this to me?” We’re doing it to ourselves! “Why is God creating war?” People, wake up, God isn’t creating war, humans are. We believe everything that they read or hear through the media. You see, beliefs are based on control and the more our beliefs or securities are threatened the easier it is to manipulate us utilizing anger, fear and emotions.
Many of us were taught to never show emotions. This is unfortunate. Emotions are a direct link to how we experience relationships, intimacy, friendships, livelihoods, communication, joy, laughter, love, anger and fear. Because of our own fears, many of us consider emotions a sign of weakness. This is something that is learned. Those fears can and do hinder an individual’s growth potential and over time create disharmony throughout the physical, emotional and mental energy bodies.
(Article Repost from Sedona Magazine January 2000)

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